Thursday, 2 February 2012

A pinteresting link!

Well I haven't written for 2 yrs (almost to the day) and what has dragged me back in to the world of blogging tonight? My latest little obsession is Pinterest, and as I was browsing around I saw a link to my blog! I think it suitably shamed me to get my butt in gear and put my thoughts down again!
It may help me be more organised, with my head being less cluttered of thoughts but somehow I seriously doubt it!

I am still waking up on the "Oh sh*t we have slept in" alarm and I have to be one of the biggest procrastinators, but I suppose I work better under a bit of pressure!

Ted (now aged 4) is almost 23 months in remission, and we are nearly down to 3yr 1 month until he gets his all clear. Until then I will keep living with this cloud hovering over me. It doesn't contain rain, but it contains all of my biggest fears, all the uncertainty and the control panel of my life which I know I don't yet have the password for!
I like to think I have control over everything, but I know with the big C control lies firmly out of my hands!

Today he is well, he is strong, boisterous, noisy and has just overcome a huge obstacle in his life and is now toilet trained. He suffered damage to his insides from chemotherapy, and gaining control of his bowel has been a big challenge, but he took it head on and got to the finish line! It also means he will be able to start school, he should have started in September and I already worry about his lack of social interaction with his peers, so this is a big step!

Be child cancer aware is now a registered charity in its own right, and has now changed directions from the campaign it was initially thought it would be! We still raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of all childhood cancers, and we have to date issued 3.5 million awareness cards to primary schools in the UK, but we also sponsor the beads of courage program here in the UK! We are the sole charity to do this and it is the most fantastic arts in medicine program created.

In 6 months we have enrolled 20 UK hospitals, and this July we hope to at least double, possibly triple this number when we hold our next training sessions. The transformation you see with the children, and families is worth every minute of hard work we put in. When you sit with a new family and go through the program with them you can physically see the change in their faces and where it was initially filled with cynical views, it is quickly replaced with hope, understanding and awe!

Enough from me tonight. I will endeavour to update at least twice a week, and if you havent already, go and check out It is blogging with pictures.


  1. Thrilled to see you back and I look forward to reading your posts xxx

  2. Thank you Emma. I was surprised how easy it was to get back into it. Probably because I didnt over think it, I just got on and did it!

  3. I really look forward to reading more. See now you have to keep up the blog.

  4. Yes, and you Sharon I will pop along to yours too... :)
