Sunday, 22 November 2009

Church pyjama party!

Ollie and Ethan were taking part in a presentation at church today, so we could NOT be late. Infact, we had to be a little bit early!! Eeek, I don't do early often!!

Church starts at 10am and they needed to be there about 10 minutes or so beforehand. Everything was going great, Eleanor woke at 7am for a feed which meant I had plenty of time to get along with everything else.

You know, the everything else you should really do the night before but I am too disorganised to be getting on with.
After bathing Ollie, washing her hair *pain* and ironing the clothes, we got them all ready. We were running beautifully on time and all we had left to do was to sort Ted out.

Good bye harmony!

For some reason, unbeknownst to us, he woke up incredibly grumpy. He is a little bit under the weather since his swine flu jab and he was just being completely uncooperative.

John took Ted's pyjamas off and he started to go in to a complete meltdown, about a 7 on the Drummond scale, but it was ok because he was wearing his favourite red shirt today.
It was a struggle, but John managed to get it on....meltdown level now about an 8.5!

When he realised he had lost and the shirt was on, we went in to what can only be described as a cataclysmic event, so back on went the pyjamas, and robot slippers.

By now the whole schedule had gone to pot, and we managed to scrape in to church about 10.03am just after the opening prayers had started!

In my rush to be organised I grabbed a choo choo train (Thomas) which nanny had bought last week, in a bid to keep Ted entertained during the presentation. *note to self* Check beforehand, that quiet toys for church don't actually have working batteries and a whole range of phrases to be heard by anyone sat in a 1 mile radius!!!

The kids did well, and in Ollie's typical humble self thought she was great....and beautiful to boot!

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