Monday, 5 March 2012

Monday Monday...

Bleh, that is all!!

Today hasn't been the best of mornings. Olivia should have been dressed up as a character from James and the giant peach today, but yet again, I think my telepathy skills are somewhat lacking, because no note was sent hoe from school. I wasn't the only parent not to get one either. Poor, very poor!! So she has her school uniform on, and I will need to make it up to her!!

Also this morning I saw a "friend" (reviewing that one!!) talking about me in a derogatory manner on facebook. They probably thought they would be safe, because the comments they made were on the wall of someone I am not connected with. However, due to the new live streaming, and the fact the security settings of this person were on public, the comments came up on my live stream!! It is almost funny, but oh how I see that person differently now! Outward appearances and all that!

I am bored of making an effort with people and that not being returned, and clearly not appreciated.

Today I will be taking no prisoners!!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Beads of Courage

Yesterday I had to give two Beads of Courage training sessions on my own! I love the program and could sit and talk about it for hours, so I wasn't too worried about that part of it. I did have to find the hospitals though, and they were in a place I had never been to before!

My Sat Nav mocks me, I am sure it does! It senses my complete lack of ability when it comes to directions. It never plays up when I have somebody more competent in the car.
Last week I had to go to Leicester, and half way up the motorway it just randomly decided to switch itself off, causing me a major panic, swift stop at the services and me jiggling about with it! Yesterday it kept trying to take me down the bus lane, and the wrong way down one way streets. I could hear it laughing at me, as I bit my lip so I didn't cry!

I made it in the end, and was on time for both appointments. We now have 22 hospitals in the UK enrolled, and hoping to more than double that this July. It was lovely to see my lovely friend Naomi too, who came to the second hospital to hold my shaking hands!

If you haven't watched it already, this is our video which we had made fro the Birmingham children's launch, and Ted is on there right at the beginning! <3